Throughout practically all of history, we humans have walked barefoot and slept on the ground, largely oblivious to the fact that the gentle surface energies of the Earth harmonize and stabilize the body's fundamental biological rhythms and keep inflammation at bay. In our contemporary Western world, the widespread use of insulative rubber or plastic soled shoes has disconnected us from these nurturing energies and, of course, we no longer sleep on the ground as we did in times past. Thinner Blood with Better Flow We were grounded while sitting in a chair with our bare feet resting on conductive floor pads that Clint had connected with a wire to outside ground rods. Right after the session, our unstained blood samples were examined under a darkfield microscope, a device used by many doctors particularly in the field of alternative medicine. The after-grounding pictures showed that our blood had dramatically changed in just over a half-hour of being grounded. Specifically, there were considerably fewer blood cell formations associated with clumping and clotting. The blood appeared to be considerably thinner. The pictures below tell the story. The reproductions above represent darkfield microscope images of blood taken from three individuals in attendance at Dr. Sinatra's house just before and after forty minutes of grounding. The before image is on the left side, the after on the right. The pictures clearly show a dramatic thinning out of blood cells. The Greatest Health Discovery in My Career This discovery is called Earthing and it means reconnecting the human body to the Earth's natural and subtle electric frequencies that few people even know exist. The surface of the planet, science tells us, brims with health-sustaining energy, but until recently the extraordinary benefits that it offers were basically unknown. Connecting the human body to this natural resource is utterly simple - just go barefoot outdoors. If you have ever walked along the beach near the surf, or on a grassy field wet with morning dew, you may have felt the energy in the form of gentle tingling or warmth in your feet and legs. You can also connect to this energy by sleeping, working, sitting, or resting on specially designed and inexpensive conductive sheets, bands, or mats that transfer the energy via a wire into your home and office. These unique devices often relieve common health and pain problems. Recovery from surgery, injury, and extreme athletic performance is accelerated. People report sleeping better with more energy during the day. They feel better. For more than ten years, thousands of people around the world - men, women, children, and athletes - have incorporated Earthing into their daily routines. The results have been documented and they are extraordinary. 1. What is Earthing? Earthing is the simple practice of “grounding” yourself—that is, reconnecting your body to the natural electrical field in the Earth’s surface—and restoring the body’s innate electrical balance. Studies show that Earthing generates significant health benefits by creating a stable internal electrical environment. This environment promotes proper functioning of the body’s self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms. Earthing is shaping up to be a requirement for good health, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Earthing is for everyone: men, women and children; young and old; athletes and those less fit. The results are extraordinary. There are no health conditions that prevent you from using Earthing to improve your health. Your body becomes suffused with negatively charged free electrons, which are abundantly present in the Earth’s surface. As a result, your body’s electrical level becomes equal to that of the Earth itself. Earthing may create a warm tingling sensation, as well as feelings of ease and well-being. You will not feel a shock, and in no way are you being electrocuted or put at risk of electrocution. Earthing is among the safest natural therapies you can use. Earthing produces many health benefits. Here’s a brief summary: |