Reprint from Magnets In Your Future magazine.
April 1988
Reprinted with permission

(Editor's Note: Summary of a 57 page Report presented by G. Wollin on November 20, 1987, at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.) Excerpt taken from MAGNETS, Volume 3, Number 4, April 1988.

"Mrs. Kerstin Westelius had lung cancer of the metastasis type. After years of surgery, therapy and chemotherapy, she was told in June 1987 by her physicians that her cancer was incurable and that she had only 2 more months to live. Here in the picture, she is shown in January of 1988 with her physician, Dr., Erik Enby, who treated her by hanging a Neomax supermagnet around her neck, and with Prof. Goesta Wollen of Clyde, N.C., who invented the method of treating cancer with the employment of supermagnets. Since July of 1987 more than 50 cancer patients in Sweden and America have been treated - all successfully."

Because of the recent invention of a supermagnet with great strength and a minute size, three breast cancer patients have been cured by a method, which will revolutionize the field of cancer treatment. One of the patients had breast cancer of the metastasis type; that is, the cancer had transplanted into tissue distant from the site of the original cancer. The technique we used strongly indicates that all kinds of cancer can be cured by this method.

The super energy permanent magnet we use in our project has a maximum energy of up to 35,000,000 gauss-oersteds. This strength of the supermagnet is the world's record in commercial production, according to the prestigious American Journal "SCIENCE." It is made of iron, boron and neodymium, one of the rare metals. It is brand-named Neomax.

The Neomax supermagnet was recently -1983 - invented by the Sumitomo Special Metals Company of Japan. This company also commercially produces it.

The size of the Neomax supermagnet that was used in the cancer project is approximately the size of an American quarter. It is smaller than a Swedish krona. It weights 30 grams, which is approximately 1 ounce.

The supermagnets for Professor Wollin were made to his specifications. Professor Wollin received, as a generous gift, 30 Neomax supermagnets from the Sumitomo Special Metals Company of Japan. Each one of the women with breast cancer who participated in the project had a supermagnet hanging around her neck for about 4 months, with the north polarity of the magnet directed toward the body.

The results indicate that our method can cure all types of cancer. If we had positioned the magnets on the tumor, we would not have known this. But since we hung a supermagnet around the neck of each patient, it indicates the supermagnets influence the whole body.

Of importance is healthy tissue surrounding a cancer tumor is not harmed by a supermagnet because healthy cells have different electromagnetic potential than cancer cells.

The successful result of our cancer treatment project is a consequence of more than 400 years of research in the fields of electromagnetotherapy and diseases.

In a book chapter entitled "About Magnets and Their Wonderful Ability to Help in the Cure of All sorts of Diseases" by Paracelsus, he writes, for example, that he found the use of magnets to be of great value for the cure of epilepsy. He recommends that 4 magnets be placed on the stomach and 4 on the back.

It is important that our method for curing cancer uses only one magnet. Before we started the project, described in this report, we surmised we needed two magnets - one on each side of the tumor. We succeeded in our treatment of cancer with one magnet because a human being is like a magnet. That humans are electromagnetic was suggested in 1926 by the eminent American surgeon and electromagnetotherapist George Crile in his book "A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes" and in 1983 by the eminent radiologist and cancer researcher Bjorn Nordenstrom in his book "Biological Electric Circuits: Clinical, Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for an additional Circular System".

It is very important we have developed a new method for curing cancer because cancer is increasing everywhere. For example: 1) In Japan there are more than 300,000 new cases of cancer each year; 2) In the United States the cancer mortality rate is increasing each year so that in 1986 cancer killed over 460,000 people; 3) In Sweden, during the last 20 years, there was an increase of 52% of cancer cases reported by the Swedish Socialstyrelsen on October 23, 1987.

In summary, when someone has cancer, in general there are three ways of trying to eliminate the malignant tumor from the body. Surgery is one possibility. Another possibility is to kill the cancerous cells with radiation; that is, radiotherapy, which, of course, also is electromagnetotherapy. The third option is to kill the cancerous cells with drugs; that is, chemotherapy. The drawback with these treatments is that they damage healthy cells, too.

We suggest another option: electromagnetotherapy with the employment of supermagnets. This type of treatment does not damage healthy cells because healthy cells have different electromagnetic potential than cancer cells. It is a new approach to the treatment of cancer, the first since chemotherapy began more than 40 years ago.

(The following is a report to Prof. Goesta Wollin, Clyde, N.C. from Mr. Douglas M. Redman. Mr. Redman learned that Professor Wollin and Dr. Erik Envy cured cancer patients in Sweden with the use of Neomax supermagnets. He telephoned Professor Wollin saying that his mother, Mrs. Redman, was dying of cancer. Professor Wollin sent him a Neomax supermagnet to be used for Mrs. Redman by her physician.) . . . Part .

Curing Cancer with Magnets
Through thousands of clinical experiments, it has been proven that magnetic therapy is safe, non-addictive, and there are no known harmful exposure levels. Clinical tests have proven that magnets reduce pain. Magnets deeply penetrate the flesh and create a magnetic field that energizes, alkalizes, and oxygenates the blood, improving the immune system performance and the body's healing abilities.

Dr. Albert Roy Davis, Ph.D., noted the positive and negative magnetic polarities have different effects upon biological systems of animals. He found that magnets could be used to arrest and kill cancer cells in animals, and could also be used in the treatment of arthritis, glaucoma, infertility, and diseases related to aging. He concluded that negative magnetic fields have a beneficial effect on living organisms, whereas positive magnetic fields have a harmful effect.

According to Wolfgang Ludwig, Sc.D., Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Biophysics in Horb, Germany, "Magnetic field therapy is a method that penetrates the whole human body and can treat every organ without chemical side effects.

"Magnetic energy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, lymph flow, hormone production, nerves and muscles," says Dr. Ulrich Warnke, M.D., in "Magnets to Overcome Pain."

"A negative magnetic field (north or negative side) can function like an antibiotic in helping to destroy bacterial, fungal, and viral infections," says Dr. Philpott, "by promoting oxygenation and lowering the body's acidity." Both these factors are beneficial to normal bodily functions but harmful to pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms, which do not survive in a well oxygenated, alkaline environment. These two factors are why clinical studies have proven that magnets reduce pain.

Dr. Philpott theorizes that the biological value of oxygen is increased by the influence of a negative electromagnetic field, and that the field causes negatively charged DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) to "pull" oxygen out of the bloodstream and into the cell. The negative electromagnetic field keeps the cellular buffer system (pH or acid-based balance) intact so that the cells remain alkaline. The low acid balance also helps maintain the presence of oxygen in the body.

Dr. Philpott states: "A negative magnetic field normalizes the disturbed metabolic functions that cause painful conditions such as cellular edema (swelling of the cells), cellular acidosis (excessive acidity of the cells), lack of oxygen to the cells, and function. A positive magnetic field, on the other hand, can increase pain due to its interference with normal metabolic function."

On my deathbed when pain got unbearable in an area of the colon, I used the north side of a 4" x 5½" x ½" approximately 1000 gauss (magnet strength measurement) magnet against the area most all the time. By the end of the first week the pain started reducing and by the end of the month the pain had disappeared totally.

Today, 4000 gauss magnets are only an inch in size and weigh about an ounce. This type of magnet was especially designed for Professor Wollen and used on cancer patients - all successfully.

contact info for neomax magnets:
Hitachi Metals America, Ltd.
2 Manhattanville Road, Suite 301, Purchase, NY 10577, U.S.A.
TEL : +1-914-694-9200

NeoMax in Japan