Abstract --- The enzyme ribonucleotide reductase (RR) controls the
synthesis of DNA precursors and thus plays a pivotal role in cell
growth. Since the free-radical-containing active-site of this enzyme
can be disabled by a lone electron, low-level direct electric current
should have an inhibitory effect on RR and, thus, on uncontrolled cell
proliferation. This hypothesis is strongly supported by the results of
several cancer electrotherapy studies reported over the years.
Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth. For a cell to divide, it must
replicate its DNA strand. The building blocks of this strand are in
short supply in a healthy, resting cell. However, the building blocks
of a related molecule RNA are always in great abundance since RNA is
needed for many cellular functions. When a cell is ready to divide, an
enzyme called ribonucleotide reductase (RR) converts building blocks of
RNA into those of DNA. The enzyme RR is, thus, pivotal for cell growth.
Not surprisingly, the activity of this enzyme is tightly linked, much
more than that of any other enzyme, to neoplastic transformation and
progression (1).
A whole class of anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, hydroxy-urea being
best known, is aimed at blocking the enzyme RR (2). However, utility of
such drugs is limited since inhibition of the enzymic activity is only
partial and undesirable side-effects are many.
A novel way of arresting the activity of this pivotal enzyme in cell
growth is suggested by the fact that the active site of RR contains a
stable tyrosyl free radical which is essential for its activity (13).
Such free radicals can be neutralized/destroyed by free-floating
electrons -- easily available in the form of direct electric current.
Thus DC electrotherapy should result in inhibition of RR and cessation
of malignant cell proliferation. Low-level surface DC electrotherapy
would act selectively on cancerous growth since the concentration of
the target enzyme RR is exponentially higher in cancerous cells, as
compared to healthy quiescent cells (1). Metastasized cancer should
also be treatable by direct current electrotherapy since even in the
metastatic state, irrespective of the organ micro-environment, the
biochemical mechanism of cell division involving the enzyme RR, remains
the same.
Experimental evidence
The connection between low-level DC electrotherapy and deactivation of
enzyme RR is being proposed for the first time. However, use of
low-level direct electric currents to treat tumor -- without any clear
understanding of the underlying mechanism -- has been reported in
scientific literature about ten times during the last four decades
(4-13). Three of these papers - the last one in 1985 - reported very
encouraging results. For example, in some experiments, there was total
regression in 60% of mice (4), an average of 88% tumor necrosis
[destruction] in hamsters (5), and 98% reduction in tumor mass, also in
hamsters (7). (It is strange that none of these studies had any proper
follow-ups.) The outcome of other studies was less positive -- almost
certainly due to poor choice of parameters.
Following is a summary of these ten reports. (The electrode near the
tumor is termed as 'active', the other one being called 'passive'.)
1. Humphrey et al, 1959 (4)
ACTIVE Electrode: Copper or Zinc plate with saline-solution-saturated sponge on unbroken skin over tumor.
PASSIVE Electrode: Same, over ventral area.
BEST RESULTS (Total regression in 60% mice): at cathode, with 3 milliamperes at 3 V, 4.8 hours per day for 21 days.
2. Schauble et al, 1977 (5)
ACTIVE Electrode: Silicone covered steel needle - exposed tip implanted.
PASSIVE Electrode: Wire-mesh with electrode paste and saline-dampened sponge - over chest skin.
BEST RESULTS (88% Necrosis): at positive electrode with 3 mA at 1.5 V, 1 hour per day for 4 days.
NOTE: Necrosis was also observed when active electrode was made negative.
3. Habal 1980 (6)
Poor results with 0.5 æA at 1.5 V, for 12 days continuous, using an implanted device.
4. David et al, 1985 (7)
ACTIVE Electrode: Silicone covered Steel or Platinum-Iridium (70:30) needle - exposed tip implanted.
PASSIVE Electrode: Aluminum foil plate with conducting paste - over shaved underbelly.
BEST RESULTS (98% Reduction in tumor mass): at either electrode, with 2.4 mA at less than 3 V, for 1 hour per day for 5 days.
5. Marino and Morris et al, 1986 (8)
Both Electrodes ACTIVE: Insulated Platinum - except for the implanted tips - at foci of tumor.
BEST RESULTS (Total regression in 43% of primary tumors): with 2 mA at about 3 V, 1 hour per day for 3 intermittent days.
6. Morris and Marino et al, 1992 (9)
Both Electrodes ACTIVE: Platinum needles - implanted in tumor.
BEST RESULTS (Reduction in tumor mass without improved survival): with 20 mA at 8-10 V, for 15 minutes once.
7. Miklavki et al, 1993 (10)
ACTIVE Electrode: Platinum-Iridium (90:10), Gold, Silver or Titanium needle tip implanted.
PASSIVE Electrode: Same, placed subcutaneously the whole length, near tumor.
BEST RESULTS (About 70% necrosis): at cathode, with 0.6 mA at unspecified volts, for 1 hour once.
NOTE: "Field" electrotherapy, by placing both electrodes subcutaneously
for their entire length, on either side of tumor, also produced similar
8. Griffin et al, 1994 (11)
ACTIVE Electrode: Gold needle - implanted.
PASSIVE Electrode: Copper plate with conducting gel - beneath the animal.
BEST RESULTS (Regression proportional to charge passed): at anode, with 1-4 mA at 1-16 V, for 30-90 min. once.
9. Taylor et al, 1994 (12)
ACTIVE Electrode: 4 parallel brass plates, vertically mounted, in a specially designed oesophageal tube.
PASSIVE Electrode: Large plate with saline-soaked pad on human patients back. BEST
RESULTS (Oesophagus tumor of one patient regressed completely at the
primary site): with 20 mA at 7 V, at each of four anodes, for 1 hour.
Three treatments over 4+1/2 month period.
10. Miklavki et al, 1994 (13)
ACTIVE/PASSIVE Electrodes: Gold needles, placed subcutaneously the whole length, on either side of tumor.
BEST RESULTS (Tumor growth slowed by a factor of 3): with 1.0 mA at unspecified volts, for 1 hour, applied once.
NOTE: No correlation was observed between the amount of deposited electrode material (gold) and anti-tumor effect.
Discussion and conclusion Both positive and negative results
of the published low-level electrotherapy studies can be adequately
explained by the posited enzyme-mediated mechanism. Various aspects of
these reports is being discussed in these sections:
Positioning & Polarity of Electrodes If deactivation of
the enzyme RR is the dominant mechanism underlying the efficacy of
electrotherapy, then it should not matter whether electrodes are
implanted or on the surface -- as long as the tumor is in the path of
the current. Only in study #1 (4) were both electrodes placed on
unbroken skin, and it reported one of the better results. Beside being
non-invasive, surface electrodes also minimize electrochemistry and its
attendant toxicity. Similar reasoning would suggest that the polarity
of the electrodes is inconsequential. Almost all electrotherapy studies
where beneficial results were obtained, confirm this. Results of
"field" electrotherapy experiments, where electrodes were implanted on
either side of tumor (10,13) also show that polarity of electrodes is
immaterial, and that electrode-electrolyte interactions are of little
Electrode Metal Dissolution If the primary mechanism of
electrotherapy involves inhibition of enzyme RR, then electrode metal
deposition should have little or no influence on the beneficial
outcome. Study 10 (13) has clearly shown that this is so. The fact that
different electrode materials produce very similar results, further
indicates that electrodes act merely as electron conductors. Thus,
virtually all the observed facts are in accord with the proposed
mechanism involving the deactivation of the free-radical-containing
active site of RR. Furthermore, a recent experiment has shown that the
concentration of enzyme RR decreases and cell growth ceases when direct
electric current is passed through the tumor (15). The proposed
hypothesis, thus, is on the verge of being proved.
This novel way of arresting cell growth can be the foundation of a
cancer therapy that is non-toxic, non-invasive, site-specific, low-cost
and easy to administer. The current cancer treatments are called
"slash, burn & poison" by oncologists themselves, and are mostly
empirical in nature. The gentle electrotherapy, on the other hand,
would be deductively scientific with potential to cure most cancers.
1. Weber, G. (1983) Biochemical strategy of cancer cells and the design of chemotherapy. Cancer Res. 43, 3466-3492. 2.
Cory, J.G., and Cory, A.H. (1989) Inhibition of ribonucleoside
diphosphate reductase activity. International encyclopedia of
pharmacology and therapeutics. New York: Pergamon Press, pp 1-16.
3. Graslund, A., Ehrenberg, A., and Thelander, L. (1982)
Characterization of the free-radical of mammalian ribonucleotide
reductase. J. Biol. Chem. 257, 5711-5715.
4. Humphrey, C.E., and Seal, E.H. (1959) Biophysical Approach Toward Tumor Regression in Mice. Science 130, 388-390.
5. Schauble,
Habal, and Gullick, (1977) Inhibition of experimental tumor growth
in hamsters by small direct currents. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 101,
6. Habal, M.B. (1980) Effect of applied d.c.
currents on experimental tumor growth in rats. J. Biomed. Mat. Res.
14, 789-801.
7. David,
Absolom, Smith, Gams, and Herbert, (1985) Effect of low level direct
current on in vivo tumor growth in hamsters. Cancer Res. 45,
8. Marino, A.A., Morris, D., and Arnold, T. (1986) Electric treatment
of lewis lung carcinoma in mice. J. Surg. Res. 41, 198-201.
9. Morris, D.M., Marino, A.A., and Gonzalez, E. (1992) Electrochemical
modification of tumor growth in mice. J. Surg. Res. 53, 306-309.
10. Miklavki, D., Sersa, G., Kryzanowski, M., Novakovi, S., Bobanovi,
Golouh, and Vodovnik, (1993) Tumor treatment by direct electric current
- tumor temperature and pH, electrode matteriial and configuration.
Bioelectro. B. 30, 209-220.
11. Griffin, D.T., Dodd, N.J.F., Moore, J.V., Pullan, B.R., and Taylor,
(1994) The effects of low-level direct current therapy on a preclinical
mammary carcinoma: tumor regression and systemic biochemical sequelae.
Br. J. Cancer 69, 875-878.
12. Taylor, T.V., Engler, P., Pullan, B.R., and Holt, S. (1994)
Ablation of neoplasia by direct current. Br. J. Cancer 70, 342-345.
13. Miklavki, D., Fajgelj, A., and Sersa, G. (1994) Tumor treatment by
direct electric current: electrode material deposition. Bioelectro. B.
35, 93-97.
14. Nordenstrom, B.E.W. (1985) Electrochemical treatment of cancer. Ann. Radiol., 43, 84-87.
15. Yen, Y., and Chou, C.K., City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, CA., USA (personal communication).
BioElectricīs Comments: The referenced studies were able to achieve 3mA of electrical current with low voltage (~3v) because the electrodes
were directly opposite tumors on small mice. On larger animals and humans it is
certain that more voltage will be necessary to achieve 3mA current
because more living tissue between electrodes presents more resistance.
The formula for determining current (I=
V/R) shows that with more resistance,
more voltage is necessary to achieve the same current. Therefore, our DC Electrifier uses 45 volts as the source which
may be necessary to achieve 3ma current. But it is the current which does
the work, not the voltage. The current can be set to 5mA automatically, or in
the "manual" setting the current can be adjusted lower if necessary to be
Electric Current Helps Wipe Out Liver Tumours
by Nic Rowan
Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:06 p.m. EST
- - - - - ADELAIDE, Australia (Reuters Health) - Surgeons here who
pioneered the use of electrical current to destroy liver tumours
say they are optimistic that the treatment could be used for
tumours of the pancreas and kidney as well.
The treatment, called electrolysis, involves placing electrodes
into liver tumours and surrounding tissue. A small electric
current is then passed through the electrodes to destroy the
tissue. In some cases, affected parts of the liver are removed
The leader of the surgical team investigating the treatment,
Professor Guy Maddern of Adelaide University, told Reuters
Health that the method causes a change in the acidity of the
tissue and "poisons the tumour."
"It is less destructive than surgical removal of the tumour, and
can be used to treat tumours that are awkwardly located, such
as next to large blood vessels," he added.
Maddern and his colleagues have treated 10 patients, with
follow-up ranging from 6 to 43 months. Nine of the patients
had bowel cancer that had spread to the liver, and one had
cancer that originated in the liver.
In order to be included in the study, patients had to have no
other untreatable tumour outside the liver, and to be fit for
major surgery. All patients, said Maddern, had extensive
disease in the liver.
Eight of the patients show no evidence of residual tumour at
the treatment site. Five of these eight patients have developed
new areas of tumour spread, while three have no evidence of
new cancer growth.
"In any case, after surgical intervention without electrolysis,
60% of patients would be expected to develop new disease,"
Maddern said. "We are trying to increase the percent who don't
get new disease."
When added to surgery to remove a tumour, Maddern noted,
electrolysis increased the percentage of patients who were
treatable with surgery from 20% to 25%.
"We have been developing this technique for 5 years. We are
now ready to move forward and are considering tumours of the
pancreas and kidney," Maddern told Reuters Health. "They will
be the next step."
The Electro-Carcinoma Therapy is a form of tumor treatment that is
hardly known. So far, some empirical values and a first study are
present. The Institute for Natural Health Methods in Marburg Germany
uses ECT.
The principle: A weak direct current is applied to the tumors, which
can shrink, as a direct consequence and even disappear completely.
From China came the first results of a larger case study which uses the
ECT treatment with over 10,000 patients in the period of 1987 to 2000.
One of the central results: in just over 30% of the cases, it brought
about the dissolution of the tumors, and in somewhat more than 40%, to
the reduction of the tumor. The individual success values hang thereby,
among other things on the kind of tumor and size as well as the stage
of the illness.
The Chinese medical profession apply the energy in particular by means
of platinum wire electrodes, in the form of needles, injected directly
into the tumors. In contrast; the Marburg Institute works almost
exclusively with plate formed metal electrodes applied to the skin.
"the use of plates is gentler, possesses a higher acceptance with the
patients and is just as effective as the therapy with needles",
explains Dr. Bernhard Weber, head of the institute. First intermediate
results of the local treatments seem to confirm the results of the
Chinese study.
The Electro-Carcinoma Therapy is a local, low side-effect procedure
that can be treated on an outpatient basis. In the two to three hour
treatment, energy flows through the tumor. Some patients need only two
or three sessions before the tumour will "melt", others need more. With
the help of a special computer monitor program and controls, the
physician controls the treatment and observes the procedures in the
body and the growth. The medical skill lies in being able to place the
electrodes in the correct location and setting of the optimal amperage
- this must be different depending upon tumour size, density and type.
ECT can and should be used, depending upon illness, together with other
forms of treatment. In order to control the formation of secondary
growths (metastases) with malicious tumors, Dr. Weber advises to
combine the use of ECT with radio and/or chemotherapy. ECT does not
replace good conventional therapy possibilities; on the other side ECT
can be a new therapeutic chance where conventionally difficult or
hardly treatable tumors and secondary growths are present.
ECT is suitable for both surface as well as more deeply located
tumours, explains the Institute. Secondary growths in bones cannot be
treated as effectively with this method. Even if the tumor has already
been pre-treated with irradiation or chemotherapy, the Electro
Carcinoma Therapy can still be used.
Further information:
Institut fr Naturheilverfahren & Naturheilkunde-Tagesklinik mit Schmerzambulanz
(Institut for natural health method & naturopathy outpatient hospital with pain clinic)
Contact: Dr. Bernhard Weber, email: b.weber@firemail.de
Uferstr. 1, 35037 Marburg, Germany
Tel: +49 6421 68430; FAX: +49 6421 684350
Literature on ECT:
Dr. med. Rudolf Pekar: Die perkutane Bio-Elektrotherapie bei Tumouren
(The percutaneous bio electrical therapy with tumours). Vienna, Munich,
Berlin 1996.
Dr. med. Rudolf Pekar/Dr. med. Nikolai N. Korpan: Cancer. Vienna, Munich, Berne 2002.
I. Introduction
Electro medicine has been widely used for many years, especially in
orthopedics where it has been used for regeneration, i. e., to increase
the healing process in broken bones (1) and pain purposes. In Oncology,
however, the use of electromedicine (ECT) is relatively new and stems
from research investigations of Pekar (2) and Nordenstrm (3). Since
1987, St. George Hospital has treated hundred of patients with this
method of treatment. Direct current can be directed into tumorous
tissue (skin metastases, lymph node metastases or isolated organ
metastases) through the application of electrodes. If the total amount
of direct current is high enough, this procedure results in the
destruction of cancerous cells and in extreme cases, no necrotization [burning].
II. Physical-chemical principles of ECT
As soon as direct current is connected to the electrodes, different
electrochemical reactions influence the pH-value and can cause
electrolysis of tumor tissue. Depolarization of the cell membranes
changes the cellular environment forcing the tumor cells to be gently
destroyed. Consequence of this process is the interruption of certain
functions within the cancerous cells, which in turn, can lead to the
destruction of these cells. Tumor tissue is more susceptible to damage
from direct current than normal tissue, thus allowing the destruction
of cancerous cells to occur when direct current is applied directly to
the malignant tissue. The body 's own catabolic processes remove the
destroyed malignant tissue from the body. It is also possible that
through this process the immune system starts fighting all other cancer
cells within the body. Once ECT or Galvano (as it is commonly known)
treatment is successfully completed, the cancerous area heals and is
replaced with scar tissue.
III. What types of tumor are suitable for ECT?
ECT is suitable for all types of superficial or deep seated tumors,
which can be reached by needle electrodes. Specifically, however, are:
- small breast carcinomas or isolated axiillary, supraclavicular and thoracic nodes.
- all tumors of the ENT area, especially after radiation or chemotherapy.
- skin carcinomas e. g. Basaliome, Spinoccellllular carcinoma, Melanoma etc.
- gynecological carcinomas
- soft tissue tumors
IV. Special form of ECT using cytostatic substances (Iontophoresis)
The destructive effect of the direct current on tumorous tissue can be
enhanced by the simultaneous administration of cytostatic substances,
for example, Mitomycin, Adrimycin, Epirubicin and Cis-Platinium. Most
cytostatic substances are positively charged, which when inserted onto
the anode in an electrical field directed through tumorous tissue move
to the cathodes (iontophoresis movement). In this way, cytostatics can
be introduced into the tumorous tissue in a very targeted and
concentrated manner. This method can be more effective on the tumor
side than standard systemic chemotherapy or local cytostatic perfusion.
Cytostatic substances are best applied to hollow organs, for example,
esophagus, bladder, stomach and rectum. The membrane potentials are
changed so much by the current that the cells open and absorb
cytostatic substances more rapidly.
V. How is the treatment carried out?
Normally the treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic and on an
outpatient basis. The size of the tumor determines how many needle
electrodes are required, however, a minimum of 2 are always used. These
are introduced into the tumor through the skin. The electrodes should
not be further than 1.5cm apart. The minimum required electric field
must be 35 coulombs/ml although up to 90 coulombs/ml are normally used.
During the treatment, the patient will experience a slight pressure
pain or a slight tingling in the treated area. Direct current brings
about long lasting pain relief because it inhibits the activity of
sensory nerve fibers. Therefore there is no pain after treatment.
However because the cancerous tissue is being destroyed through this
method of treatment, it is normal that inflammation occurs for a couple
of days afterwards. The cancerous tissue is broken down naturally,
which when eliminated from the body is replaced by scar tissue.
Superinfections rarely occur. ECT replaces operations and radiation
treatment. Judging by the very positive therapy results, it can be
assumed, that ECT will become an important form of treatment for
malignant diseases.
- Senn E. Electro therapy, Thieme-Verlag
- Pekar R. Percutaneous galvano therapy of tumors, Verlag W.Maudrich, Vienna-Munich-Bern
- Nordenstrom BEW The European Journal of Surgery Suppl. 577, Pg 93-109 Scandinavian University Press
- Douwes F. R. The basics of electrochemical cancer treatment 1994
- Szasz. A. Advanced alternative medicine AAAAM-Series
- Pleasnicar A. Electric treatment of human melanoma skin lesions with
low level direct current. The European Journal of Surgery Suppl 574, Pg
45-49. Scandinavian University press.
- Yunqin Song Electrochemical treatment in the treatment of malignant
tumors on the body surface. The European Journal of Surgery Suppl 574,
Pg 41-43. Scandinavian University Press.
- Kuanhong Quan Analysis of the clinical effectiveness of 144 cases of
soft tissue and superficial malignant tumors treated with
electrochemical therapy. The European Journal of Surgery Suppl 574, Pg
37-40. Scandinavian University Press.
Direct current therapy (DCT) offers considerable promise as
a low-cost, minimally invasive anti-tumour treatment. While
the tissue-destructive effects of low, direct electrical currents
have been known for many years, development of a clinically
acceptable therapy has been slow, hindered, for example, by
uncertainties regarding the quantitation of the dose-response
relationship. Our previous qualitative study demonstrated
that both anodic and cathodic treatments caused prompt and
massive tumour necrosis (Dodd et al., 1993). The present
work provides an absolute and relative quantitation of the
extent of tumour regression/necrosis with charge and
polarity. In common with previous workers, we noted that
tumour lysis and volume decrease was extremely rapid after
Tumours were treated by DCT 6-10 weeks after inoculation when they
were approximately spherical and 6-1Omm in diameter.
When volume regression was analysed against various parameters
of dose delivered, the best correlation was obtained when plotted
against charge [electrical], although it did appear that higher
currents resulted in greater volume regression for the same charge
passed, possibly because of higher rates of production of electrolyte
products [intracellular potassium released into blood during tumor breakdown].
Regression analysis of the data showed a linear relationship between the
volume of regression induced in the tumor and the charge passed when the
electrode in the tumor was an anode [positive].
[The study graphs showed a 518mm3 reduction in tumor size from treatment
with 10 Coulombs. Predictable tumor reduction volume is equal to 50 times
the Coulombs of electrical charge, plus 18.]
Using this program, maximum
decrease in tumour volume and tumour regrowth delay
were calculated for each treated tumour, relative to the size-
matched control curve. In some cases the decrease in volume
was equal to the total initial volume, and in a few cases no
regrowth of the tumour was observed, even after several
months, i.e. the animals were 'cured' of their tumours. However,
in this first series, only those tumours in which partial
damage (i.e. less than total volume regression) occurred were
used to quantify the effects of treatment. In those tumours in
which the relative volume regression was 100%, the absolute
volume regression attainable for that dose was unknown.
Mechanistically, if the damage to the tumour at each
electrode site were primarily due to local pH changes caused
by these reactions, one would expect a ratio corresponding to
the square root of the expression D(H3O)/D(OH-), where D
is the diffusion coefficient. This corresponds approximately to
1.4. Our results indicate a ratio of 50/33 = 1.5, which is close
to that predicted.
Regression analysis of the experimental data showed a linear relationship,
the line of best fit being given by this equation:
G=.2D + 1.4
where G is the growth delay in days and D is the maximum percentage
volume decrease. [So 21.4 days is needed for a 100% decrease in volume.]
Moreover, our comparison of the effects of polarity of the electrode
implanted in the tumour demonstrates the greater efficacy of the
anode [positive voltage] over the cathode [negative voltage].
My email to Dr. Bernhard Weber of NaturMedNet, the
German cancer clinic using ECT against cancer :
know that the electro-carcinoma therapy in China had only a 30% success rate
but the Chinese have low immunity due to too much toxins (environmental).
What success rate does your clinic have?
thank you very much
Dear sir
The Chinese results, published in a report with 9011 patients, are very different. If the tumor is very big the results are not so good, if they are small they are better. They treated with platinum needles during operation or with local analgesic injections.
We treat 95% with plates on the skin, without analgesics. We have estimated positive results in 30 to 70% of the patients, but we combine it with a lot of other therapies.
With friendly regards
Dr. Weber
Click Here for more articles
about ECT from the same German clinic.
Biologically Closed Electric Circuits
- Bjorn Nordenstrom
Important Notes
from the above research:
Only 3 of 20
of Nordenstromsī patients didnīt have a recurrence of cancer some time after treatment. I believe it is because they didnīt change their habits that affect their immunity. See our cancer suggestions page. Using
electricity or anything else to kill tumors is only a small part of a
complete cancer treatment. If you think you can continue to be lazy about
your health you are DEAD wrong. If you want to be healthy you have to
cross the line and be a health nut like me. ha! Itīs great to be healthy.
I couldnīt give a care what people say about my health habits since they
are just a step away from getting cancer themselves. Iīm a health nut and
proud of it! Maybe it's time for you to start caring about every aspect of
your health.
The following paper lists other papers that
used human test subjects instead of rodents:
Tumor Treatment By Direct Electric Current:
Computation Of Electric Current And Power Density Distribution
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Slovenia, Institute of Oncology
"It has previously been
shown that electrotherapy (ET) by low-level direct current is an
effective, inexpensive, and minimally invasive tumor treatment modality.
Tumor growth retardation has been demonstrated in different murine
[rodent] tumor models (ref: 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23) as well as in
patients (ref: 1, 17, 18, 20, 28)."
1) Radiological Evidence of Response to
Electrochemical Treatment of Breast Cancer, Clinical Radiology 43, 84-87,
17) Biologically Closed Electric Circuits:
Activation of Vascular Interstitial Closed Electric Circuits for Treatment
of Inoperable Cancers, Journal of Bioelectricity 3, 137-153, 1984, B.
18) Electrochemical Treatment of Cancer. 1:
Variable Response to Anodic and Cathodic Fields, American Journal of
Clinical Oncology 12, 530-536, 1989
20) Electric Treatment of Human Melanoma Skin
Lesions With Low Level Direct Electric Current: An Assessm
ent of Clinical
Experience Following a Preliminary Study in Five Patients, European
Journal of Surgery (Suppl. 574), 45-49, 1994
28) Advances in the Treatment of Malignant
Tumors by Electrochemical Therapy, European Journal of Surgery (Suppl.
574), 31-36, 1994