Compact Microbe Electrifier usage

The idea behind these instructions is to give you a guideline for amount of usage to match your animals body's amount of resultant cleansing so that you don't try to do too much too soon and get it sick from excess cleansing. The immune system & liver & kidneys will cleanse the blood of deactivated viruses/bacteria/yeast but only at a rate that is unique to the animal. Therefore you should start out slowly and every week increase usage time if your animal feels up to it. If you have a Magnetic Pulser then use it first and don't start using the Microbe Electrifier till you stop getting major cleansing (lymph draining) reactions from the Pulser.

Microbe Electrifier usage

It normally takes 6-8 weeks to complete microbe electrification treatment although circulation impaired patients and those with CFIDS, AIDS, and other immune dysfunction diseases often have to progress (increment the usage time weekly) more slowly.
Precautions: It's best to do blood electrification first thing in the morning and even better if before eating anything. In the morning is when the blood is the cleanest and there is the least possibility of problems from transfection. If your animal is taking drugs in the evening and there is a chance its kidneys haven't fully cleaned the blood from them overnight then it's best not to use the frequency of 4 hertz in the morning. You'll have to wait till the evening to use it. 4 hz can be used before ingesting anything that can put many chemicals (natural or synthetic) into the bloodstream. 40 hz causes almost no transfection but is slightly less powerful against microbes than 4 hz.
Protocol: Start by using the Microbe Electrifier for 15 minutes. If the next day your animal don't feel very toxic (with headaches, tiredness, achiness, etc) then increase usage time by 5 minutes. But if your animal gets excess cleansing reactions then lessen the treatment time to 5-10 minutes. To aid the body expel the trash from the bloodstream your animal can drink a lot of water or celery juice and take as a diuretic parsley tea, watermelon, or cucumber. The cleansing reactions determine the pace needed. It's normal to be able to increase usage time once a week (if there's not excessive cleansing reactions). Don't go so fast that you overly sicken your animal with excess cleansing reactions. If you don't start out slow the first 2 weeks then you may overly lower your animals immune system (from white blood cell lysing) so that your animal could get sick from some infection. Do enough time so that your animal feels cleansing reactions but don't overdo it. If your animal has an almost non-functioning immune system and don't experience any cleansing reactions then take an herbal immune booster such as Beta Glucan from to increase immunity. Also make sure there are no dental infections because those bacteria and their waste are very damaging to the immune system. If you've used the device for 2 months and your animal is still getting cleansing reactions from it then you should continue using it daily until there is no longer any of those reactions and then for one more week for 2-3 hours daily (1 in the morning and 1-2 at night). Make sure the Microbe Electrifier is used every day without skipping any.


Proper operation and strength of batteries are good when you are able to adjust the current high enough to cause the red light to fully come on. The blinking of the light at 4Hz insures that the units output is oscillating properly. At 40 hz the light will stay on instead of blinking. To replace the batteries just use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the cases bottom 4 screws, pull off the cover, and then pull off the snap clips from each battery so that they can be replaced with new alkaline ones.

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