Take 6000mg non-buffered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) powder, 3 dropper squeezes of cilantro extract (or half cup of fresh juice), and 10 tabs Chlorella. The acid dissolves the alkaline metals but they don't leave the system unless something binds to them which is what the cilantro and chlorella do. The day you do this cleanse don't take any minerals till 1 hour afterwards. I take a good calcium/magnesium tablet which helps restore those "major" minerals since some of them also get flushed out by the vitamin C. Don't take supplements with calcium carbonate because that calcium isn't utilized by the body and it actually restricts your bodies ability to absorb good minerals. Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium by Country Life is an excellent product. Do this once or twice a week. It cleanses out all heavy metals (including the aluminum we all breath from chemtrails) and toxins (including what we get from vaccines). It also partially clears out the arteries. I used it to reverse my own arteriosclerosis. In Australia the indigenous children had a 50% death rate due to vaccines (due to their toxicity). Then a health worker started giving them vitamin C for a period previous to vaccination and the children stopped dying. After my last vaccination for travel purposes (not Covid) I waited an hour and then took 6000mg vitamin C to cleanse out the toxins. Research has found that 400 mg/day vitamin C is associated with reduced risk of heart disease. 3 capsules of Acerola Cherry vitamin C contains 500mg vitamin C but other research found that natural vitamin C in food is many times more effective than ascorbic acid (lab derived vit C) so I just take one a day. You can receive super high doses of vitamin C (255g for 150 lbs) if injected/dripped into the blood. This paper describes its use against sepsis (when the bodyÕs immune system has an extreme response to an infection). ![]() |