Man-Made Weather Modification Facts

Both accidental and purposeful man-made clouds have been proven to be warming the planet and not cooling it. Some countries spray the sky with the erroneous belief that the artificial clouds fight global warming, and some countries (USA, Russia) spray for military defense purposes.

The Facts In a Nutshell    Fully Explained by quotes from sources

Normal jet contrails may form artificial cirrus clouds (contrary to the opinion that they always dissipate within 15 minutes) at very high/cold altitudes

Contrails may form when emissions of hot, warm engine exhaust in the upper troposphere mix with the cool moist ambient atmosphere. Under certain atmospheric conditions (super-saturated with respect to ice), contrails can persist for several hours. If the atmospheric conditions are favorable for ice crystal growth these persistent contrails may grow and spread out to form contrail-induced cirrus clouds (e.g. Fahey et al., 1999).

Artificial cloud cover decreases
surface temperatures during the day
and increases (comparatively)
surface temperatures during the night.

Contrails are most similar to natural cirrus clouds due to their high altitude and strong ability to efficiently reduce outgoing infrared radiation [heat that the Earth radiates back out to space]. However, they typically have a higher albedo [reflectivity] than cirrus clouds; thus, they are better at reducing the surface receipt [absorption] of incoming solar radiation [lowering Earths surface temp]. (SOURCE)

Contrail-induced cirrus causes slightly more heating than cooling of the Earths surface (contrary to most scientists unproven belief that they mostly cause cooling)

The radiative forcing [global warming] due to a distinct pattern of persistent contrails that form into contrail-induced cirrus [clouds] near and over the UK is investigated in detail for a single case study during March 2009. Persistent contrails and contrail-induced cirrus exert a radiative forcing [global warming] in both the SW [short wave] solar spectrum and LW [long wave] terrestrial spectrum (e.g. Stuber et al., 2006; Karcher and Spichtinger, 2009). They reflect incident sunlight back to space thereby brightening the planet and leading to a negative SW radiative forcing that is associated with a cooling and they also trap LW radiation within the Earths atmosphere system leading to a positive LW radiative forcing that is associated with a warming. The net radiative effect of persistent contrails and contrail-induced cirrus is the sum of the negative and positive radiative forcing, resulting in a net forcing that is believed to be positive [warming]. (SOURCE)

Contrail clouds and artificial clouds produced by spraying powders of aluminum/strontium/barium are heating the Earth up instead of reducing global warming.

Here's the lower troposphere global temperature graph showing a warming rate increase since 1997 when geoengineering started. Another proof that they are causing global warming, not stopping it. Are they really that stupid? Or are they causing it on purpose?

In addition to the presence of contrail-induced cirrus clouds I believe that intentional spraying of metallic powders into the atmosphere has been happening since 1997 although governments won't admit it because it is an unproven scheme whose downsides are 1) ozone destruction (and subsequent increase of ultraviolet light reaching Earth), 2) aluminum poisoning of the land which reduces crop production (which is why Monsanto has been modifying the genetics of plants to be resistant to aluminum), 3) disruption of the natural balance of weather, causing droughts in some areas and floods in others, 4) increased incidence of alzheimers due to aluminum absorption from the air into the lungs. Proponents of this unproven scheme heartily believe that it cools the planet and that if the spraying stopped that warming would dramatically increase. It's like a stupid religion, all based on beliefs without facts.

Since 1998 Lowell Wood and Edward Teller have been promoting aerosol spraying into the stratosphere as a simple and cheap counter to global warming. Lowell Wood believes that climate engineering is inevitable; it's a matter of time before the 'political elites' wake up to its cheapness and effectiveness. But a disturbing effect of enhanced dimming [of sunlight] would be the permanent whitening of day-time skies. A washed-out sky would become the norm. If the nations of the world resort to climate engineering, and in doing so relieve pressure to cut carbon emissions, then the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would continued to rise and so would the latent warming that would need suppressing. It would then become impossible to call a halt to sulphur injections into the stratosphere, even for a year or two, without an immediate jump in temperature. It's estimated that, if whoever controls the scheme decided to stop, the back-up of greenhouse gases could see warming rebound at a rate 10-20 times faster than in the recent past, a phenomenon referred to, apparently without irony, as the "termination problem". Once we start manipulating the atmosphere we could be trapped, forever dependent on a program of sulphur injections into the stratosphere. In that case, human beings would never see a blue sky again. (SOURCE)
Scientists have long been debating about putting fine particles into the sky to fight global warming according to David Keith who helped start Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program (SOURCE)

By geoengineering I mean only a mix of metal particles are being sprayed. By chemtrails I mean that along with the metal particles there are also added chemicals that can affect our health or moods. I believed that the man-made artificial clouds had chemicals that are dangerous to our health. I thought it was part of a globalist plan to depopulate the Earth since that is their main goal as is evidenced in the UN's Agenda 21. One whistleblower report I read said some of its chemicals were meant to reduce fertility rates. So I looked up fertility rates and in the last two decades their rates of decline have decreased, instead of increase as they should if chemtrails reduced fertility. OK so that killed the idea that chemtrails reduces fertility. So then I looked up infant mortality rates and deaths from pneumonia (since chemtrails is breathed in) and also death rates for lung cancer. None of the data backed up my belief that chemtrails has dangerous chemicals affecting those things. So that means to me that chemtrails is mostly geo-engineering, the spraying of metal particles to form artificial clouds to affect weather patterns and/or to make a difference with global warming. Aluminum seems to be the prominent metal so I thought I should look up rates of alzheimers since aluminum causes that. Sure enough there are drastic increases in alzheimers cases. The CDC found that death rates from Alzheimer's climbed 55 percent from 1999 to 2014 and the number of Americans afflicted is likely to rise rapidly in the coming years. About 5.5 million people 65 years and older have the disease. By 2050, that's expected to more than double to 13.8 million people. The same whistleblower report (by an alleged chemtrails chemist) said that chemicals were added to affect mood/emotions such as calming agents for riot control. That sounds logical but given how his testimony proved untrue regarding fertility and population control I tend to discount all he wrote. So either he was a gov't disinformation agent or just someone getting kicks out of fooling people. (Video) Then there's the Air Force environmental specialist turned whistleblower (Video) who said she saw the containers of powdered aluminum, barium, and strontium and also found those same metals in soil samples. But she didn't mention any mind altering chemicals. So far the evidence just points towards geo-engineering. Unfortunately the word chemtrails is used for both types of spraying and my little opinion is not going to change that bad habit so I will probably also use "chemtrails" when talking to the alternative crowd and the word geoengineering when talking to conventional people.