How Dental Infections Allow Cancer Growths The following info details how amalgam fillings, dental infections and anaerobic bacteria from root canals stops your immune system from stopping the initial and continuing growth of cancer in your body. Root canals wouldn't seem to be a cause of bacteria but they are. When the dentist removes the tooth nerve he cuts off the life source from the living tooth tissue which then dies and often becomes infected. If he were advanced enough to use electromedicine then he'd just clean out the top section, fill the cavity, and then use direct current to kill any remaining bacteria in the lower tooth nerve. But, alas, he is as ignorant as a cave man and causes more problems than he resolves. So now you should buy one of my direct current devices and electrify the tooth yourself. Click here to see my video on the subject. | ![]() |
Dental/Cancer Connectionby Dr. Gerald H. SmithAuthor of Reversing Cancer: A Journey from Cancer to CureIt is estimated that 70% of all medical illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by human intervention in the dental structures (teeth and jawbones). This includes: impacted teeth, infected root canalled teeth, new and recurrent decay around old fillings, cysts, bone infections in areas of previously extracted teeth, granulomas and areas of bone condensation to osteitis represent some of the more common factors. Boyd Haley, Ph.D., a researcher, at the University of Kentucky has estimated that 75% of root canalled teeth are infected. Another researcher, Hal Huggins, DDS, has shown that the toxins liberated by infected root canalled teeth are almost 1000 times more toxic than botulism. Botulism is the most toxic substance known. According to the observations made by the internationally recognized medical researcher, Yoshiaki Omura, MD, all cancer cells have mercury in them. Since mercury is the second most toxic substance on this planet, its presence provides a strong initiating factor for disrupting cell function. An effective approach to treating cancer MUST include:
Cancer: A Second Opinion, Chapter 8, Focus on Foci by Josef Issels, 1999 My clinical experience has produced evidence of a causal connection between dental foci and tumour development, and in this respect, the results obtained with the aid of an infra-red test are especially significant. Any inflammatory disease focus creates on its corresponding skin surface a pathological increase of infra-red emission; the higher the activity of the focus, the more pronounced it is. Using an infra-red sensitive instrument (Schwamm's infra-red toposcope), the intensity of this emission can be continuously monitored and measured. Observation shows a close interrelation between the infra-red emission of head foci and that of the neoplasial region. That is, after treatment, a decrease in the infra-red activity of dental foci was as a rule accompanied by a decrease in infra-red emission over the tumour areas. From this it is clear that the advisable treatment for devitalized teeth is extraction. But even this is not always enough. My experience has further shown that also living teeth may sometimes be so damaged that their pathogenic potential almost equals that of devitalized teeth. For instance, latent chronic pulpitis may arise in a tooth that appears outwardly healthy, thus having a focal effect. The diagnosis and treatment of dental foci remains generally unsatisfactory. A survey conducted at my clinic found that, on admission, ninety-eight percent of the adult cancer patients had between two and ten dead teeth, each one a dangerous toxin producing "factory". Very often we are confronted with X-ray negative dead teeth, root remnants, and residual ostitis which had not been diagnosed and therefore had not been removed. Only total, thorough dental treatment will really succeed in giving the body's defense a chance. In addition to X-ray diagnosis, it is therefore necessary to use other diagnostic aids, such as infra-red techniques, tests, to estimate tooth vitality and periosteal resistance, and other electrometric methods. The diagnosis of foci in teeth had been greatly improved by electro-acupuncture. It is now possible to differentiate foci not only with regard to their type and position, but also to their virulence and pathogenic efficacy. The result of focus treatment can consequently be observed and improved, before, during, and after dentistry, to an extent never known before (Kramer). If total treatment is to be performed, it is necessary to remove not only any devitalized teeth but also any hidden dental foci remaining in the jaw. Further, total removal of devitalized teeth and their roots must not be the end of the dentist's activities. Each alveolus - the tooth's socket in the jaw - should be radically cleared down to the healthy bone. In that way the development of the residual ostitis or of a cystoma may be prevented. It is not only the tooth which may be a focus, the but the adjacent tooth-fixing apparatus as well. There are four different ways by which dental foci - and indeed all foci - can affect the organism and contribute to the development of secondary damages: 1. The "neural" way of affecting the organism. When a focus develops anywhere in the transit tissues, the mesenchyme, the process is centripetally projected from the terminal neural organs around the irritated area, along the neural ducts, up to the corresponding control cells within the central nervous system. The irritation originating from a focus can, under certain conditions, trigger off the mechanism of a neural dystrophy - a slow degeneration - which may show itself in localized effects in other areas, but also in a generalized dystrophic disturbance. Ferdinand Huneke, the founder of neural therapy, discovered over forty years ago that injection of a local anaesthetic near a primary focus may immediately remove any symptoms of distant disease induced by the focus. This effect - the second-phenomenon - usually takes place only a few seconds after the anaesthetic injection, and lasts for hours, days, or even for a lifetime. Naturally the improvement occurs only in those regions influenced by the injected focus. Nevertheless, the measure has therefore a remarkable diagnostic value as well. 2. The "toxic-way" of affecting the organism. The toxic activity of odontogenic foci is probably far more perilous for the organism than their neural effects. The mechanism of this distant toxic activity, as well as the characteristics of the toxic compounds involved, have been largely ascertained. Odontogenci compounds are the gangrenous contents of an inflamed pulp cavity and its adjoining spaces. It consists of detritus and decaying, formerly vital substrates which have been necrobiotically altered - commonly found in tissues destroyed by inflammation, liquefaction and microbial putrefaction. There is hardly a carcinogen which so completely fulfils these conditions as do thio-ethers [a type of dental toxin]. Incessantly, from the moment the pulp is removed, hour by hour, year by year, minimal amounts of these most virulent of all the odontogenous toxins will be released into the circulation - minimal doses, but nevertheless sufficient to more or less totally paralyse the aerobic action of the cell. The close interlacing of the lymphatic and endocrine systems in the head, make it unavoidable that brain cells are more intensively toxified by the circulating focogenous agents and may suffer particularly heavy damage. The lymph ducts of the head region join Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, and if there is such congestion, waste fluids will be pressed through the porous base of the skull into the lymphatic spaces of the brain. Toxogenous changes, especially within autonomic nuclei, are regularly found in cancer patients, as verified in the 1930s by Muehlmann (USSR), and they may be a consequence of a life-long inhibition of cerebral aerobiosis due to focogenous intoxication. The cerebral damage (diencephalosis) and the subsequent loss of vitality in cancer patients is accompanied by the number of other symptoms. The emission of hypothalamic energy impulses, recordable by a Voll's electro-acupuncture device, are reduced in patients with focal disease. The autonomic vigour is relaxed, creating "regulation rigidity": carcinomas tend to parasympathicotonic derailment; in sarcomas and systemic diseases, as a rule the opposite is found - sympathicotonic derailment (Regelsberger, Gratzl-Martin, Rilling et al). the diurnal, circadian regulation of the acid-base balance is lost (Sander). At the same time, there will exist a distinct inhibition of other diurnal control functions, for instance of blood sugar, cholesterol, and mineral metabolism, and many other metabolic parameters are greatly restricted (Hinsberg). The lack of vigour and control efficiency is not, of course, without effect on the patient's psychic condition. Vegetative disorder is therefore generally accompanied by neurasthenic dystonia - characterized by the diminishing vitality and autonomic instability. 3. The "allergic" way of affecting the organism. The toxic effects of thio-ethers overlap those caused by higher-molecular odontogenous toxins as already described. Antibodies are formed to fight these substances, eventually leading to the destructive processes in toxified cells. Since the organ-destroying antibodies or defence enzymes are excreted by the kidneys, they can be diagnosed in the urine by the abderhalden test. In this way we can precisely deduce, in most cases, which organs have suffered secondary damage (Abderhalden, Dyckerhoff et all). The extent of secondary lesions can also be demonstrated indirectly by vaccine treatment. Using desensitizing vaccines made from focogenous agents, reactions are caused in regions affected by distant focal effects which may become evident in regional as well as general symptoms. It is thus clear that the development of cancer disease is, in more ways that one, closely linked with focal events. 4. The "bacterial" way of affecting the organism. Bacterial dissemination from primary dental foci as a rule takes place with barely perceptible symptoms, and may be followed by the formation of "secondary foci" in other regions. These include, inter alia, foci in the paranasal sinuses, gall-bladder, appendix, prostate, and renal pelvis. The dentists' task is only secondarily cosmetic; primarily it must be preventive and curative. The over-riding consideration must not be conservation of the tooth but preservation of its vitality. If this is impossible, even the most beautiful crown must not delude us that the lifeless tooth beneath is anything other than a "corpse in a golden coffin", whose decomposition toxins slowly but surely are destroying the organism (Bircher-Benner). Other foci in the jaw, for instance ostitis, cysts, foreign bodies, gingivitis, and malposition of teeth may also develop focal effects. It goes without saying that these foci and centers of irritation must be removed. The dentist should always remember that he has a vital role to prevent the development of chronic illness and, most important of all, to decisively reduce the hazard of cancer. Now let us turn to tonsillar foci. Chronically inflamed tonsils are primary head foci which sometimes have an even more damaging effect on the organism as a whole than dental foci. They can participate in the development of chronic illness, including cancer, by the four ways already described for dental foci: by neural, toxic, allergic, and bacterial means. There are also similar connections between the development of cancer and tonsillar foci as there are between cancer and dental foci. For instance, after removing the tonsils, there is a decrease of infra-red radiation over the tumour, and sometimes even a shrinking of the tumour. Researcher Robert Jones' Presentation. . . "As I have explored the causes of cancer it has become apparent that the real cause of cancer is genetic protein based, in other words, toxic inhibition of proteins within the cell structure allows or encourages a cell, or group of cells, to become malignant [cancerous]. The International genome project flatly states that all cancers are caused by one or more of 3 things: 1. Radiation 2. Chemical Toxins 3. Spontaneity I have concentrated my efforts to uncover the cause of cancer as chemical toxins as we have no way to control or measure the rate of radiation exposure. I started on the conquest of exploring chemical toxicity and its relationship to protein inhibition several years ago. In the process of my research, a huge amount of toxins have been looked at. As we narrowed the search to a protocol of daily or chronic exposure, at the top of the list were compounds of known carcinogen and neurotoxins, these toxins being classified as thio ethers. The most significant of these thio ethers is dimethyl-sulfide. Although small in amounts of exposure, the average inhibition of ability to bind to the cellular membrane came to a startling conclusion of more than 90% inhibition as an average for all three proteins. To distinguish which toxins in particular, we tested 36 types on Affinity Labeling gels. Specifically, as we set the protocols for this research project we used toxicity samples from over 900 extracted root canal teeth as a composite and over 4000 bone fragments obtained from biopsy samples as a separate composite. Root canal toxins and cavitation [broken tooth] toxins were tested separately to determine how each toxin individually inhibited the binding ability of the protein. Establishing published cellular weights (amounts) of these proteins, we proceeded to inject Affinity Labeling gels with amounts of human protein as to the stated amount found in each individual cell. So, therefore, using toxins extracted from human samples and human proteins, we were able to exhibit extreme or severe inhibition of these individual proteins by chronic exposure to these toxins. We then ran additional types on the same Affinity Labeling gels to determine the effects of blio toxins (fungi) and also mercury from dental amalgam. As you will note during my lecture, the cavitation toxins from a composite of 100 or more cavitations was much more toxic than root canal toxins. I'd like to show you in our basic DNA, we have the chromosome ladder as illustrated in blue and protein in green with amino acids in yellow. Notes in red are our comments that perhaps can clarify points for non-scientific readers: