![]() | Michael
Forrest; Jailed for Healing I was only one of 3 million people imprisoned in the USA, most of them for "crimes" against the State, not for violating peoples will (the true basis for a true crime). My "crime" was supposedly defrauding the government by avoiding FDA regulation of my medical products. (I didn't defraud any customers, which is evident because the judge didn't order me to give back any money to them (called restitution), only to the FDA for the money they spent buying two blood electrifiers. See court documents #1 + #2 + #3) It is against the law to sell medical products that aren't FDA approved. But FDA approval is mostly reserved for products that come from the pharmaceutical industry that has the time and money for such. It is unfair, and they know it. That is why they mostly convict those who either make much money or are in a position to influence public opinion (which was my situation with my popular web site). When big-pharma is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths from a bad drug, no one is convicted. When someone is responsible for curing many people, but in a way contrary to the government approved system, then that person is convicted. The USA has bad government, but not much worse than any other 1st world country. That is why you need to consider living in a 3rd world country such as Colombia (my top pick as long as you don't live in Medellin or Bogota) in order to be free from an overbearing government (and chemtrails and electromagnetic pollution). Click here to read about how a person selling apricot seeds to fight cancer got sentenced to 5 years in prison. Here is a list of others who got in trouble with the government. |
The preamble of the U.S. constitution states that the constitution was being established in order to "promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity". Anything that is contrary to this main theme of the constitution is unconstitutional. The general welfare is not being promoted by the FDA's fight against alternative medicine. Nor are U.S. citizens enjoying the blessings of liberty by not being given the right to choose their own method of health care. The freedom to choose is a main part of "liberty". No freedom to choose means No liberty. Liberty is choice. Having the government chose for you is slavery. If you've read my free on-line e-book "The Investigation of Electromedicine" you know that the FDA came into existence by conspiring with those who wanted a closed medical system with no alternatives available other than drugs and surgery. Electromedicine devices were extremely popular back then which was putting health care in the hands of the people (where it should be). Many different devices were available by ordering them from the Sears catalog. Of course, many also were being advertised with false claims. But the FDA didn't need to come into existence to stop fraudulent advertising. Fraud is a common crime and is easily dealt with. For instance, if an advertiser states that his herbal whiskey is guaranteed to cure rheumatism, and he has no medical studies to back up that claim, then he can be charged with fraud (obtaining money under false pretenses). But if he states that a popular doctor believes that this tonic can cure rheumatism then he isn't guilty of fraud. It's just that simple. Back in the early 1900's there were an estimated 10,000 doctors utilizing electromedicine devices to help their patients. There must have been at least some efficacy (good ability) in these devices for them to of been so popular. Do you know what Fascism is? It is the intertwining of government with big industry. The FDA is a branch of government that intertwined with the blossoming pharmaceutical industry. They both grew up together like two vines with intertwining branches. In all essence, the FDA acts as the hired gun for the drug industry. They get money under the table all the time from this industry, and they are guaranteed positions in their companies when they retire from the FDA. It's so obvious and simple. The FDA is just one example of a branch of U.S. government that is fascist. The constitution states that one of the powers of purposes of Congress is "to promote the progress of science and useful arts". Promoting the progress of science is another way to "promote the general welfare". But if the person who invented something such as the OMF Generator is unable to financially benefit from his discovery because of a government agency roadblock requiring him to first pay hundreds of thousands of dollars getting clinical proof and then get approval by the same agency which is known to resist granting approval to alternative devices*, then we have opposition to the progress of science and useful arts (in this case the art of healing). The inventor can't let the public know about it and make it available to them without leaving himself open to criminal charges. * The maker of the Alpha-Stim cranial electrostimulator had to sue the FDA in order to get them to finally grant the approval that was deserved after all the proof they had submitted showing the devices ability to counter the effects of stress, etc. |