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  Baby Tooth Root Canals


July 1, 2008


All Medicaid Offices:

We are seeing a disturbing trend developing that is causing damage to children.  The procedures noted in this letter, that Medicaid is paying for, have never undergone double-blind, peer-reviewed studies to determine their safety in children.  Rather, the practice has arisen almost over night and the results have become a nightmare for countless children throughout the USA.  Serious health issues are occurring as a result of these untested dental procedures.

Our research indicates that children who have baby tooth root canals and baby tooth crowns are subject to serious health issues that can occur within weeks of the procedures.  When these children see their physician, it is difficult to determine the cause of their illnesses and these children become further victimized by improper medical procedures in an attempt to make them well.  Our research indicates that children can develop cancer, can lose their sight, can develop serious neurological issues, can become behaviorally disruptive, and can develop adult-type degenerative conditions due to the bacterial content of these dead teeth and the toxic metals used in the process.     Since a root canal kills the tooth, there is no blood supply available for antibiotics to destroy the bacteria that build up  in these dead teeth and the child’s condition worsens with each passing day.  Additionally, the metal-based crowns are typically a nickel-chrome alloy with documented toxicity. As a matter of fact, nickel is carcinogenic.  Nickel is well established in the scientific literature as the most carcinogenic (cancer producing) metal there is.  Does Medicaid want to be held responsible for contributing to the poor health or death of a child?

Our child advocacy division is planning to start class action proceedings to help stop these ludicrous and dangerous (use of untested procedures and known carcinogenic materials on children) practices.  If is our hope that none of this will be necessary by the immediate voluntary action of Medicaid to suspend payments for these procedures.

Please direct correspondence directly to me as Director of Legal Services, Child Advocacy Division. Help us keep our children from being harmed by these dangerous procedures.

I am, with respect,

Raphael M. O’Geaney, MA, LLB