Complaint #1: My customer service is terrible. If you want to see truly bad customer service then ask another electromedicine company a question about any of their devices in relation to disease. They will tell you they can't respond legally. I am the only one risking trouble with the FDA to fully help people. Yes my answers are short and to the point and I don't coddle people but that's just because I'm often overloaded which limits my ability to pretend like I'm a paid employee working in the customer service department. BioElectric is a small small company which is just me and someone who does the electronic assembly. But I do try to answer all questions. 2. The devices are poorly made. I've worked as an electronics technician in the electronics industry for around 10 years and so know about electronics very well. Our devices are assembled on a breadboard which makes it look less professional but I assure you the circuit design and assembly is excellent. Function takes precedence over looks in my business. The devices exist to help people fight disease, not to be some pretty display of new age gadgetry. 3. I require customers to pay for shipping when returning a damaged unit. That happened only once when I was stressed out and having financial problems. Now if a device is received damaged then I reimburse the shipping cost to me. 4. Shipping takes too long and I don't help any when there's an excessive delay. Sometimes, but not often, the shipping does get delayed in transit which can happen with any international shipment. In that case I look to see the package status on-line which is the most I can do. I understand the complainers frustration but he shouldn't have tried to damage my reputation all because I couldn't put on a Superman suit and use my X-ray vision to find the package and then rescue it from the hands of the postal workers and deliver it in person at his doorstep. 5. Shipping cost is $10 more than what is listed. I used to charge a 3% handling fee (which is what the customer was referring to) but that has since been dropped. 6. I was convicted of fraud and so can't be trusted. I was jailed for 2 years for fraud but it wasn't fraud against customers, only against the government because they consider anything that counters their laws that protect the allopathic industry "fraudulent". In all cases of fraud against customers the government requires paying back all money received. In my case, because there was no fraud against customers, I just had to pay the government back for the money they spent buying two devices as concrete evidence. They had no customer complaints against me. And you should not have any legal concerns about buying from me since there is no law against the buyer, only against the seller. So now you are probably wondering why I continue to risk getting jailed again, right? Well, I am a "conscientious objector" to their system that is only in favor of big money interests. I will never stop doing what God and the U.S. Constitution gives me the right to do. Actor Matt Damon gave a great speech on youtube before it got taken down. Here's a portion of it: "What we are trying to do is get back to the principles and aims and spirit of the Declaration of Independence. This spirit is resistance to illegitimate authority and to forces that deprive people of their life and liberty and right to pursue happiness. But to establish the principles of the Declaration of Independence we are going to need to go outside the law, to stop obeying the law." So why should you buy from me? 1. I offer unique products which are guaranteed to be useful in your fight against disease. 2. I allow you three months to decide whether or not it is helping you. If not then just return it for a refund. 3. You should support my business if you value human rights, the US Constitution, freedom from a bad medical system, the ability to cure yourself, and scientific progress. (And don't forget that I display all pertinent information that the other vendors don't because they are afraid. Where would electromedicine be without full acceess to all information?) ![]() HOME |