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In the USA, prevention is NOT the name of the game.  It is all about crisis management. But the crisis involving the late discovery (using traditional screening technology) of a breast tumor is NOT what any woman would want.



Cancer is rampant if not epidemic.  More than a MILLION Americans are diagnosed with cancer EACH YEAR and more than half a million death certificates cite cancer as the cause of death. Perhaps several hundred thousand deaths each year are related to the treatments of cancer which create another cause of death not included in cancer statistics. Realistically speaking, only about 2% of cancer patients treated with traditional means survive more than 5 years. Not good statistics for a treatment protocol that continues to prosper in spite of its horrendous failure in stopping cancer.

Another 800,000 develop small, "non invading" cancers and various mild kinds of skin cancer. Both types generally do not spread and can be easily removed.  These cancers are not counted in the annual cancer statistics.

For women 35 to 74, cancer is the leading cause of death. For men of the same age range, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death.

Despite the high incidence of cancer and our federal government's "War on Cancer", begun in 1971 and supported by over $100  billion dollars of research, virtually no progress has been made in healing the most common forms of cancer.

According to the World Health Organization, there were 10 million new cases of cancer in 1996, and in 2001 they predicted a yearly total of 14.7 million. These numbers have continued to grow.  They are so huge that the suffering they imply is incomprehensible.

In the United States, the death rate from cancer had risen 8% by 2004 from 1970, just before the "War on Cancer" was launched. Despite the large number of people who have stopped smoking in recent years, according to the National Cancer Institute, the incidences for some of the most common cancers--colon, breast, prostate, etc., are sharply increasing.

To put it another way, EVERY MAN AND EVERY THIRD WOMAN in the United States will get cancer--unless we understand it better and follow the technology now developed to stop this horrendous trend.

Here is some information for you to ponder to realize why the "War on Cancer" has been lost. . .


Because the old technology, mainly mammography for women is unable to see the mass until it is too late, women are dying by the thousands each year.

90 days; 2 cancer cells, 1 year; 16 cancer cells, 2 years; 256 cancer cells

QHM technology can now discover the breast cancer
when there is only 256 cells!

3 years; 4,896 cells, 4 years; 65,536 cells

5 years; 1,048,576 cells. It is interesting to note that even with this large number of cells, they are undetectibe by mammography!

6 years; 16,777,216 - Still undectible by mammography!

7 years; 268,435,456 cells - Still undectible by mammography!

8 years; 4,294,967,296 cells - By this time, cells doubled 32 times and are normally detectable by mammography - that is, possibly dectable for women over 40 with less dense breasts!!

40 DOUBLINGS (approximately 10 years) is considered LETHAL.

As you can see, waiting until a mammogram detects the tumor can be lethal and 98% of the time it is.  QHM Technology can discover the tumor early enough for the CURE without chemotherapy, radiation or radical surgery!

WHY NOT PREVENT?  Is it worth your time?  We spent 30 years to make this possible.  We believe it was worth our time and the millions spent to develop the technology!

 It is all in  the book!