Michael's 2 Stroke Tuners Info
Michael's Experience My YouTube Videos
Best Engine Tuning Method * Fuel Injection Ruining ConRod Bearings
All about Engine Oil *
Engine Oils Data via CAS# * Engine Oil Burning
Engine Oil Flash Points * Too much Oil * Bad Engine Oils * Ring break-in
All about 2 Stroke Porting * Eleven 2 Stroke Myths * How to Change a Tire
Testing the Ignition System * Expansion Chamber Design * Quiet Exhaust * NGK copies
Carb Tuning * Idle Air Screw * Carb Sizing * Keihin Needle Decoding
Jetting Not By Plug Color
* Reading Plug/Piston
* Needle Clearance
Understanding Fuel Droplet Size * Intake Surface Textures
Various Topics * Suzuki AX100 mods * Motorized Bicycles
Removing Alcohol from Gas
My Forum "Two Stroke Tuning/Modifying"
My 2 Stroke Design Spreadsheets
Expansion Chamber Calculator * Squish Velocity Calculator * Port Timing Calulator Boost Bottle Calculator * Crank Balance Calculator * Engine Oil Ratio Calculator Jetting Calculator * Carb Size Calculator
Complete list of my Calculators
Info for
Kawasaki KDX200 owners
motocross mods * "SR", the
International model of KDX * Adjustable
Performance CDI
CDI repair *
KIPS maintenance & repair